
March 22, 2011

The following publications have been translated into 12 languages. They are available for purchase on this website at the prices shown, which include shipping and handling. Please remember to enter the exact quantity desired in your shopping cart. For information on a translated version, please contact Dr. Walton via email.

Spanish Translation — Winning Teenagers Over in Home and School, Francis X. Walton, Ph.D

Winning Teenagers Over in Home and School, Francis X. Walton, Ph.D.

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Spanish Translation — Winning Children Over: A Manual for Teachers, Counselors, Principals and Parents, Francis X. Walton, Ph.D. and Robert L. Powers, M.Div. MA.

Winning Children Over: A Manual for Teachers, Counselors, Principals and Parents, Francis X. Walton, Ph.D. and Robert L. Powers, M.Div. MA.

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Winning Teenagers Over in Home and School, Francis X. Walton, Ph.D

The popular publication . . . over 60,000 copies sold: Winning Teenagers Over in Home and School, Francis X. Walton, Ph.D.

Topics include:

Understanding teenagers
Signs of pampering and coercion
What can we substitute?
Sixteen specific techniques for encouraging adolescents
Use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs
Adult by eighteen
Winning cooperation in the school
Tips for teachers
The roles of the school counselor and administrators

Quantity discounts:

1 – 10 copies – $6.00
11 – 25 copies – $4.50
26 – 149 copies – $4.25
150- 249 copies – $4.00
250, or multiples of 250 – $3.00

Discount will be reflected in shopping cart total.

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Winning Children Over: A Manual for Teachers, Counselors, Principals and Parents, Francis X. Walton, Ph.D. and Robert L. Powers, M.Div. MA.

The best selling publication. . . over 150,000 copies sold:Winning Children Over: A Manual for Teachers, Counselors, Principals and Parents, Francis X. Walton, Ph.D. and Robert L. Powers, M.Div. MA.

Topics include:
Understanding children
Helping children change
Dealing with the class as a group
Mistaken approaches to dealing with children
Developing responsibility and cooperation

Quantity discounts:

1 – 10 copies – $6.00
11 – 25 copies – $4.50
26 – 149 copies – $4.25
150- 249 copies – $4.00
250, or multiples of 250 – $3.00

Discount will be reflected in shopping cart total.

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